
Monday, October 24, 2011

Biological Link versus Emotional link

There is a blur at the point in which our similarities to our parents due to biological link and our similarities to them due to our emotional and cultural link intersect.  To some degree  we are biologically similar to our parents and there is not much we can do about it.  Psychology is a broad subject that is born out of our biological and genetic composition.
How much of our behavior, social skills and ability to learn is predicted by our biological link to our parents and how much of it is simply a result of cultural, social  and religious indoctrination? in general attempts to deal with behavior; conformity or non-conformity to the norms passed on to us, not biologically, but as a result of culturization.

Our emotional composition is another point of intersection between science (biology/genetics) and behaviorism.
We are indoctrinated to behave within the guidelines and expectancy of our culture.  In as much as we are biologically made to represent our species, so are we indoctrinated (our brain imprinted upon) to best represent and carry on our emotional (behavioral), social, cultural, family upbringing, religious beliefs, and other codes imprinted upon us.

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